M4E: MAGNET FOR EMULSION TECHNOLOGY - perfect lump-free blends


M4E: Magnet for Emulsion Technology makes the smoothest, lump-free emulsions & dispersions. Perfectly dissolved blends, creamier textures and very stable emulsions. The latest innovation for cheese, sauces, mayonnaise & more.

» Patented – supersedes shear pumps.
» Lump-free hydration – perfect emulsions, dispersions, creams.
» One pass, no mechanical high shear.
» Less thickener, less throw-away.
» Low cost, high yield, fast ROI.

M4E: Magnet for Emulsion Technology

The M4E technology

The Magnet for Emulsion technology (M4E) combines turbulent flow conditions with the LORENTZ force induced by a permanent magnetic field. In a turbulent flow, particles (powder particles or oil droplets) spin around and collide. This results in particle deformation and break-up. The LORENTZ force will further intensify this spinning and colliding effect. As such, the combination between the turbulent flow conditions and the LORENTZ force create the perfect environment to make stable emulsions and lump-free powder dispersions. The M4E technology is mainly a “one-pass” technology, meaning once the product has passed the magnet, it is perfectly dispersed and / or emulsified.

It is built-in to the Natec ShearTherm batch cooker.

Download datasheet

M4E: perfectly dissolved blends, creamier textures and very stable emulsions


Energy costs

  • Reduced energy costs with increased savings
  • Lower investment cost and smaller footprint


  • Higher yield and reduced raw material consumption due to reduction in thickener requirements (starches, hydrocolloids)

User friendly

  • Highest user friendliness and application flexibility – including products with particles (without changes to hardware or software)
  • Easy cleaning and low maintenance
  • Continuous process and reduced production time

The innovation


NatecNetwork M4E Technology Function 1280x690